Déméterre, leader in agricultural machinery in Bourgogne - Franche-Comté

A subsidiary of the Terre Comtoise cooperative, Déméterre focuses on and develops its agricultural machinery business. Since the beginning of 2025, Déméterre has become an even bigger player in this market by extending its network to 22 bases spread across Bourgogne, Franche-Comté and the Vosges.

This follows the integration of five companies into the Déméterre group: Avenir Motoculture, Claudagri, Georges Équipement, R. Brun & Fils, and Vallet. The other major change at the start of 2025 for our group is that it becomes the exclusive distributor of the MASSEY FERGUSON brand.

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Déméterre exclusive Massey Ferguson distributor

Déméterre is further strengthening its regional roots! At the beginning of 2025, we integrated 8 new bases and agents, bringing to 24 the number of our sites now spread across Bourgogne, Franche-Comté and the Vosges. This remarkable development is the result of our policy of external growth, which has led us to bring together agricultural companies with strong local roots, with whom we share the same human values and quality of service.

The five companies joining Déméterre are : Avenir Motoculture (Arc-sur-Tille and Ménétreux-le-Pitois), Claudagri (Auzainvillers), Georges Équipement (Bellefontaine), R. Brun & Fils (Lons-le-Saunier) and Vallet (Arbois, Dole and Levier).

At the same time as Déméterre expanded its territorial coverage, we changed manufacturer brand. Now, all our bases fly the MASSEY FERGUSON colours!

We invite all our customers and partners to visit our dealerships today to discover the American manufacturer's range of tractors and associated equipment.

The new equipment marketed by Déméterre is therefore changing universe by taking on the MASSEY FERGUSON coat of arms. But our sales team's commitment to advising you is as strong as ever. At Déméterre, agricultural machinery is a passion that we share with you!

Déméterre is growing, but we're making sure we maintain the quality of service that farmers demand.

At each of our bases you can count on the mechanical workshop, which provides maintenance and repairs for all makes of agricultural machinery, including John Deere, our former manufacturer partner, as well as Kuhn, Kramer, Joskin, Leboulch, Carré, Kockerling, Stihl and Delta Force.

At each of our bases, you have access to a spare parts shop, a sales area for new and used equipment of several brands, and high added-value technical training and support services.

The world of agriculture is changing and evolving. Déméterre supports farmers through these changes by being at their side, in the field, as close as possible to their needs. Our d!tec department (Demonstration, Innovation, Technology Customer Experience) provides user training and sales and technical support for the connected products required for new agricultural practices.

Déméterre is expanding and helping the Terre Comtoise group, to which it belongs, to grow even stronger. We're proud of that!


Déméterre is an independent subsidiary of the Terre Comtoise Group

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    agricultural equipment in burgundy Franche comte
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